struixLang Documentation
Table of Contents
- About struixLang
- Use Cases
- Getting Started
- Data Types
- Core Concepts
- Basic Operations
- Advanced Operations
- Built-in Functions
- Examples
- Conclusion
About struixLang
struixLang is a stack-based, case-insensitive programming language implemented in Python 3. It operates on a stack, which is a list of objects that the program manipulates. The language also utilizes a dictionary containing words (functions or commands) that can be executed within a program.
struixLang includes a rich set of built-in words and provides mechanisms for defining new user-defined words within the language itself.
Use Cases
struixLang is ideal for:
- Embedded Scripting: Adding scripting capabilities to applications.
- Educational Purposes: Teaching programming concepts in a simple and interactive way.
- Rapid Prototyping: Quickly testing ideas and algorithms.
Getting Started
To run the struixLang interpreter, execute the
file using Python 3:
Alternatively, you can integrate the interpreter into your own Python programs:
import struixTerp
import struixPrimitives
# Create a new interpreter instance
terp = struixTerp.Terp()
# Add built-in words to the interpreter
# Run struixLang code"""
var a
a = 10
"The value of a is:" print
a fetch print
Data Types
struixLang supports the following data types:
- Integers
- Floats
- Strings
- Booleans
- Lists (Arrays)
- Variables
- Words (Functions)
Core Concepts
The Stack
At the heart of struixLang is the stack. The stack operates on a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. Items are pushed onto the stack and popped off the stack during operations.
Words (Commands)
Words are the commands or functions in struixLang. They manipulate the stack or perform actions.
- Built-in Words: Predefined commands provided by the language.
- User-defined Words: Custom commands created using
Variables and Constants
Variables: Named storage locations that can hold values.
var x x = 42 x fetch print
Constants: Named values that cannot be changed after initialization.
const PI 3.14159 PI print
Comments are used to include explanatory notes in the code and are ignored during execution.
Single-line comments start with
.# This is a comment
Basic Operations
Input and Output
PRINT: Pops and displays the top item on the stack.
"Hello, World!" print
INPUT: Prompts the user for input and pushes the entered value onto the stack.
"Enter your name:" print input "Hello, " swap + print
PSTACK: Displays all items in the stack.
Mathematical Operations
struixLang uses postfix notation (Reverse Polish Notation) for operations.
Addition (
)5 3 + print # Outputs 8
Subtraction (
)10 4 - print # Outputs 6
Multiplication (
)7 6 * print # Outputs 42
Division (
)20 5 / print # Outputs 4.0
Integer Division (
)20 3 // print # Outputs 6
Modulus (
)20 3 % print # Outputs 2
Exponentiation (
)2 8 ** print # Outputs 256
Stack Manipulation
DUP: Duplicates the top item on the stack.
5 dup print print # Outputs 5 twice
DROP: Removes the top item from the stack.
1 2 3 drop pstack # Stack now has 2 and 1
SWAP: Swaps the top two items on the stack.
"World" "Hello" swap print print # Outputs "Hello" then "World"
OVER: Copies the second item on the stack and pushes it to the top.
1 2 over print print print # Outputs 2, 1, 2
ROT: Rotates the third item to the top of the stack.
1 2 3 rot pstack # Stack order is now 1, 3, 2
Advanced Operations
Logical Operations
Logical operations in struixLang work with boolean values (true
and false
NOT: Logical NOT operation.
true not print # Outputs False
AND: Logical AND operation.
true false and print # Outputs False
OR: Logical OR operation.
true false or print # Outputs True
NAND: Logical NAND operation. Returns the negation of
.true false nand print # Outputs True true true nand print # Outputs False
NOR: Logical NOR operation. Returns the negation of
.true false nor print # Outputs False false false nor print # Outputs True
XOR: Logical XOR operation. Returns
if one operand is true and the other is false.true false xor print # Outputs True true true xor print # Outputs False
Bitwise Operations
): Bitwise NOT.5 ~ print # Outputs -6
): Bitwise AND.6 3 & print # Outputs 2
): Bitwise OR.6 3 | print # Outputs 7
): Bitwise XOR.6 3 ^ print # Outputs 5
): Bitwise shift left.2 3 << print # Outputs 16
): Bitwise shift right.16 2 >> print # Outputs 4
String Manipulation
STRCAT: Concatenates two strings.
"Hello, " "World!" strcat print # Outputs "Hello, World!"
STRLEN: Retrieves the length of a string.
"Hello" strlen print # Outputs 5
SUBSTR: Extracts a substring.
"Hello, World!" 7 12 substr print # Outputs "World"
Multiline Strings
- Multiline strings are enclosed in triple quotes (
). -
They allow for more readable code when dealing with long text or multiline outputs.
"""This is a multiline string""" print
Multiline strings can also contain embedded newlines or special characters without requiring explicit escape sequences:
"""Line 1 Line 2 Line 3""" print
Lists and Arrays
Creating Lists:
[ 1 2 3 4 5 ] # Pushes a list onto the stack
Accessing Elements (
):[ 10 20 30 ] 1 item print # Outputs 20
Modifying Elements (
):[ 0 0 0 ] 1 99 store_item pstack # List becomes [0, 99, 0]
Getting Length (
):[ 1 2 3 ] length print # Outputs 3
Control Structures
Conditional Execution:
IFTRUE: Executes a block if the condition is true.
true [ "Condition is true" print ] iftrue
IFFALSE: Executes a block if the condition is false.
false [ "Condition is false" print ] iffalse
IFELSE: Chooses between two blocks based on a condition.
true [ "True block" print ] [ "False block" print ] ifelse
TIMES: Repeats a block a specified number of times.
[ "Hello!" print ] 3 times
WHILE: Repeats a block while a condition is true.
var i i = 0 [ i fetch 5 < ] [ i fetch print i incr ] while
DOWHILE: Executes a block at least once and repeats while a condition is true.
var i i = 0 [ i fetch 3 < ] [ "Looping" print i incr ] dowhile
Defining Functions:
def greet "Hello from function!" print end greet # Calls the function
Built-in Functions
Mathematical Functions
SIN, COS, TAN: Trigonometric functions.
0.5 sin print # Outputs the sine of 0.5 radians
LOG: Natural logarithm.
10 log print # Outputs the natural log of 10
EXP: Exponential function.
2 exp print # Outputs e^2
Time and Date Functions
CURRENT_TIME: Gets the current timestamp.
current_time print
SLEEP: Pauses execution for a specified number of seconds.
2 sleep # Pauses for 2 seconds
FORMAT_TIME: Formats a timestamp.
current_time "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" format_time print
Random Number Generation
RANDOM: Generates a random float between 0 and 1.
random print
RANDINT: Generates a random integer between two values.
1 10 randint print # Random integer between 1 and 10
CHOICE: Selects a random element from a list.
[ "apple" "banana" "cherry" ] choice print
File Input/Output
OPEN_FILE: Opens a file.
"r" "example.txt" open_file # Opens file in read mode
READ_FILE: Reads content from a file.
file_variable read_file print
WRITE_FILE: Writes data to a file.
"Some data to write" file_variable write_file
CLOSE_FILE: Closes a file.
file_variable close_file
Networking Functions
HTTP_GET: Performs an HTTP GET request.
"" http_get print
HTTP_POST: Performs an HTTP POST request.
"" "{'key':'value'}" http_post print
Hello, World
"Hello, World!" print
Factorial Calculation
var n
"Enter a number:" print
input n store
var result
1 result store
[ n fetch 1 > ] # Condition
n fetch result fetch * result store
n fetch 1 - n store
] while
"Factorial is:" print
result fetch print
Fibonacci Sequence
var a
var b
var temp
0 a store
1 b store
10 var count count store # Number of terms
[ count fetch 0 > ] # Condition
a fetch print
b fetch a store
a fetch b fetch + b store
count fetch 1 - count store
] while
File Reading
"r" "data.txt" open_file var file file store
file fetch read_file print
file fetch close_file
struixLang is a versatile and powerful stack-based programming language that provides a rich set of features for both simple and complex programming tasks. Its simplicity and extensibility make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from scripting and automation to educational purposes.